The other day, I was able to talk to someone about Jesus and our faith in Him. At first I was nervous because I didn't know what to say, but it went really well. She already had a list of questions for me, and by the grace of God, I was able to find answers and biblical support to the questions. Praise God!
So this girl did not make a decision for Christ in our conversation, but she is definitely not as confused as she was before. I think that's a great step. So I asked this girl if I could talk about the questions she asked on here, and she said yes.
" In China, all I had ever heard of Jesus was that he was a man. But when I got here, my professors and other students have told me different things about Jesus. Who is Jesus really?
I don't know much about Christianity, but I do know a little about Buddhism and Islam. Islamic people are very exclusive, and they won't marry anyone outside of Islam. Is Christianity like this?
I noticed some people who call themselves Christians are very aggressive, and some are not at all. When I got here, I was interested in Jesus, so I asked a girl to teach me the Bible. She did a Bible study with me, but then she asked me if I wanted to do another one, and another, and another, and another! But I was busy with classes, so I felt pushed.
Should I pay attention to what the professor says to me or what students tell me in Bible study?
A girl I know told me that nothing is more important than prayer. She said I don't even need to study for tests, I only need to pray all night long.
If a person is saying really bad things to me, and I tried to ignore him, tell him I don't like what he's doing, and tried to avoid him, but he keeps doing it, and I punch him, and he punches me back, who's fault is it?
Is it more important to become a good person and do good things or to find out about Jesus and be a Christian?"
So these were the thongs we talked about. I decided to write the answers in a separate post so that you could think about how you would answer these things. I will post my own answers shorty.
By the way, I would love to hear from you on this topic, so please comment or send me an email at!
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