Well met, everyone.
I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart for the dreadful pause between my last post and this one. I was out and about, trying to live life to its fullest before the summer vacation was over. Things were great! Fun times, smiling faces...and then it ended.
Sadly, I wandered around...getting textbooks, paying ridiculous amounts of money to the Bursar, and I ended up at an all-time low with an empty bank account...
Then I remembered about you, my readers. And my mind was flooded with the heart-warming memories we have had together-- Of my inspiration to start a blog, of Voguemind's constant support, of my current project-- It all came back to me. I must return and beg for forgiveness.
I did not mean to forsake you, my readers. In any case, I am back, and should you give me a chance, I will start anew and will not leave you in the dark for extensive periods of time without timely notification! I'm back. Thank you for having me.
Yay! I am glad. Though, it is ok not to blog for a while. I do it all the time.